today was a good day.
life has been predictable in a very unpredictable way lately in the pattern my days seem to take on.......good day, bad day, good day, bad day and so on............
we cherish the good ones and try to sit through the bad ones.
the kids and I have a lot of adjusting to do and it's been the greatest challenge of this whole situation so far.
but today was good. it was better, easier.
we played all day at the children's museum with least one kid had a nap....then we had dinner.......made a fire, had hot cocoa and danced.
the past few months I've been working hard on just cherishing moments, really stopping and noticing when there are amazing ones, not projecting anything into the future or dwelling on the past; just being one hundred percent in that one moment.
so, so good
i'm really enjoying my little, cozy space I've made here in my new home. I wanted to just post a few really unprofessional iPhone pictures so you could get an idea of my new space. I don't have much stuff but I love it so far. i'll post some pictures later on of the kids rooms and such but here's just a few of the main space.
my face is all flushed from good conversation and fire light so i'll say good night for now
more to come......